Friday, May 27, 2011

School Supplies Project Update

Apologies for the long delay between updates.  It has taken some time for our initial projects to bear fruit and as school has resumed here we have less time for things like volunteer activities.  But at last, there is some news to report - we've distributed the first batch of school supplies we purchased with your donations to students at Urato Elementary School in Shiogama, Miyagi, as well as students at several elementary schools in the neighboring town of Tagajo.  Unfortunately, I don't have pictures yet, but our colleagues Yoko and Shoko report that the children were very happy and wanted to thank all of you who helped them.

We have also arranged to deliver some school supplies to students who attended Togura Elementary School
in Minamisanriku.  As anyone who has followed the news closely knows, Minamisanriku was perhaps the hardest hit of any town in Japan, and many people there literally lost everything but the clothes on their backs - helping these people is more important than anything.  The supplies should be delivered early next month.

Hopefully I will be able to update the Flickr page with photos soon.  Keep checking for new updates.

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