Friday, April 15, 2011

School Supplies Project Update

Members of MEESA have been hard at work putting the money we have collected so far to use, and their efforts are bearing fruit on this project.  They have made an arrangement to buy some notebooks, pencils, and other supplies at cost and in bulk and are going to have them shipped up here to Sendai, where they will then be distributed to children currently living in shelters in Natori.  School will begin by the end of the month in Miyagi, even for children who lost their homes, so the supplies will be needed soon, and this way families that lost everything they own will not have to worry about paying for them.

We hope to have more specific information on how many supplies we deliver and which schools/students we deliver them too shortly.  Thanks for helping us (and these kids) out!


  1. I want to know how to send messages from my
    students to your students. We are in Aichi ken
    and have a blog site. global voices agu.
    we want to send messages of encouragement to you all in tohoku. we plan to send post comments next friday in global english class fro aichi gakuin writers group. how about it?

  2. Hi Daiki,

    How will you be sending your messages? If you can make a poster, collage, etc. and mail it, we can probably find a place for it. Smaller individual items like cards might take longer to distribute however. Please let me know what you have in mind.
